
Sometimes my work gets featured in local and tech press.
Here's a list of the articles I liked the most.
LifeHacker logo
If you're jailbroken, a free app called iCleaner can perform a bunch of maintenance tasks with one tap.
RedmondPie Logo
If you’re a long-time jailbreaker you’re probably very aware of iCleaner Pro, but if not, you’re missing out.
iDownloadBlog logo
This mobile app cleans your handset of junk and residual files that build up over time.
iJunkie logo
If you keep running out of storage space on your iPhone or iPad, this tweak will help make your life easier.
GadgetMatch logo
iCleaner Pro lets you delete temporary files and tweak settings, which usually remain even after uninstallation.
iClarified logo
iCleaner Pro is one of the most popular tools jailbreakers use to remove unnecessary files from their devices.
iPhoneItalia logo
iCleaner è l’applicazione definitiva per rimuovere i files inutili dal vostro iPhone jailbroken.
Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno logo
Iniziativa talmente innovativa da meritarsi il primo premio al festival dello sviluppo sostenibile.
Repubblica logo
L'avventura di cinque universitari fuori sede compagni di stanza a Bari è ormai ai blocchi di partenza.